Missing man found dead

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana

Fifty-six-year-old Deochan Rai, who had been missing for more than two weeks, was this morning found dead in the backdam at East Canje.

Rai, who lived alone at Betsy Ground, East Canje, Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) was reportedly last seen on June 18. The cane harvester had left home to attend to his farm some eight miles into the backdam.

A neighbour, Jennifer Ramesh related that on the evening of June 17, he told her that he was leaving the following morning and that he left with another man called ‘Jug Neck’.

Family members related that the man returned after lunch on the same day but the cane harvester did not. Ramesh said it was only three days later she realised that Rai never returned home and as such, she contacted his family.

His son, Krishnarine Rai said a search party which consisted of more than two dozen persons went into the backdam to look for his father but they came up empty-handed. The search continued for five days.

However, the son stated that last Thursday they found his father’s bicycle.

This morning, the man’s body was found in a drain in the backdam.

Investigations are ongoing.