Firefighter busted with large quantity of smuggled liquor

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana

See full statement from the Ministry of Home Affairs: 

Incident Involving Guyana Fire Service Officer

The Honourable Minister of Home Affairs, Mr. Robeson Benn, has noted a recent incident involving Station Officer Clayton Pantlitz of the Guyana Fire Service. On July 18, 2024, Officer Pantlitz was intercepted by Police at Melanie, East Coast Demerara.

During a search of his vehicle, a significant quantity of illegal spirituous liquor was discovered, including 24 bottles of Hennessy, 24 Johnny Walker Black Labels, 10 Johnny Walker Gold Labels, 12 Fireballs, 48 Absolut, and 12 Cîroc.

The Station Officer was subsequently taken to the Guyana Revenue Authority Bond to lodge the alcohol found in his vehicle and was then escorted to the Brickdam Police Station for processing.

Minister Benn expressed grave dissatisfaction with the Officer’s conduct, describing it as unbecoming and a discredit to the Guyana Fire Service. He stated such actions will not be tolerated by the Ministry of Home Affairs, as they represent a direct breach of Public Service Rules F02 and Offence No. 36 at Section G, as well as Guyana Fire Service Disciplinary Regulation 54, Paragraphs 42 and 44.

These regulations address bringing discredit to the Fire Service, causing harm to the Public Service, and engaging in improper conduct.

The Ministry of Home Affairs remains committed to upholding the highest standards of conduct among personnel affiliated with its agencies and will not condone behaviour which undermines public trust and confidence in these agencies.

A reminder was issued to all members of the disciplinary services under the Ministry’s purview to adhere strictly to their oath of office, standing order and the organizational rules, and regulations, noting that failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.