APNU’s Vanessa Kissoon claims Norton threatened to rape her

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana
L-R: Vanessa Kissoon and Aubrey Norton

Statement from APNU Linden Town Councillor and former MP Vanessa Kissoon

PNCR Party members, supporters, fellow Guyanese, I have served the people of this country with pride at the highest level of decision making. Many women, young people, persons of all ages, class and races look to me for leadership and expect me to do what is right.

I am committed to their expectations of me as a female advocate and role model, a politician, a teacher, and most of all a mother. There is a social media story that is taking on various proportions and shapes after a statement was released by one Egland Gomes whom I acknowledge to have had conversation with sometime back with a third party being present.

I did not in said conversation approve of Mr. Gomes taking my story public for any purpose whatsoever.

Despite what Mr. Norton is now alleging, I have travelled in Mr. Norton’s car and under what I considered to be a threat to use a firearm which he had in his possession and showed to me.

Mr. Norton stopped his car, locked it, showed me his gun in his foot and asked me, “If I put this to your head and rape you, what would you do?” I responded by saying, ” I ain’t afraid of you or that sk*nt and you will have to f*cking kill me.”

Mr. Norton did not carry out his threats or desires, but I have carried the burden of this threat, disrespect and violation for years. I did tell a few of my close confidantes. Mr. Norton has never been anything more to me than just a political comrade.

Since my story has gone public without me initiating it, as it was my right, I state that was wrong, regardless of motive. Being forced to deal with this publicly as a result of the actions of another hurts. I can only say to those who like me are victims, do not make the same mistake as me.

Take control of your experiences before others do so for you.

Mr. Norton may have missed the times we are in and the value placed in protecting women and girls. No one should be subjected to such inappropriate sexual advances and threats. To those men and women who have allowed politics and not what is right to influence your judgment of the situation, you have a lot to learn about abuse and sexual misconduct.

I recall how vigorously some of you went after other accused but how you let down your own. Our party, our nation, needs more enlightenment and a nonpartisan approach to actions of this nature.

Editor’s Note: Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton has since denied these allegations.