Fire erupts at Starter’s Nursery School

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana

An electrical fire destroyed a section of the Starter’s Nursery School, located at Lot 276 Camp Street, Georgetown.

See statement from the Guyana Fire Service regarding this incident:

At 10:28 hrs today, a fire was reported at Starter’s Nursery School, located at Lot 276 Camp Street, Georgetown.

Firefighters arrived promptly on the scene at 10:38 hrs. The first jet of water was deployed at 10:39 hrs to tackle the blaze, and the fire was quickly extinguished.

Multiple fire appliances responded to the call, including WT#118, WT#95, HP#2, and WC#18. The team comprised Section Leader King, Leading Fireman Braithwaite, Section Leader (ag) Marshall, Leading Fireman Abrams, and six other personnel.

The fire involved a two-floor concrete building, which serves as a learning institution for young children. The property is owned by the Government of Guyana.

The fire resulted in damage to 2m x 2m of concrete wall, 8m x 3m of sheet rock, and the destruction of one electrical distribution panel breaker.

Preliminary investigations suggest that the cause of the fire was a breakdown in the electrical distribution panel, which led to arcing and sparking, subsequently igniting nearby combustible materials.

The fire was successfully extinguished using a single jet supplied by the water tank of appliance WT#118.

The Fire Service commends the swift response and coordinated efforts of all personnel involved in managing both incidents.