Use this occasion to recommit to the ideals of peace, unity for prosperity of Guyana – PM Phillips in Youman Nabi Message

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Remarks by theHonourable Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillipson the occasion of Youman Nabi 2024 

Fellow Guyanese,

On this cherished occasion of Youman Nabi, I extend heartfelt greetings to all Guyanese, especially our Muslim brothers and sisters, as we come together to commemorate the birth and life of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him). Today, we reflect on his inspiring legacy of peace, compassion, and unity across the worid.

Youman Nabi holds immense religious significance for the Islamic community. It is also one of the most auspicious religious observances we celebrate as a nation. This occasion invites all of us, regardless of our beliefs, to pause and consider the values that the Prophet exemplified. His life reminds us of the power of kindness, humility, justice, and virtues, which are at the heart of The Prophet’s teachings and resonate deeply throughout our shared humanity.

Here in Guyana, our strength lies in our diversity. We are a nation built on the principles of inclusion, where people from various religious and cultural backgrounds live side by side in mutual respect. Moreover, as a nation which holds great importance to the religious observances of our people, we are reminded of what a blessed nation we are to have a foundation built on the faiths of our people. As we observe Youman Nabi, let us take this opportunity to reaffirm these values that bind us as one nation. Unity in diversity is the essence of our Guyanese identity.

The teachings of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) provide timeless wisdom for building stronger communities. He taught us the importance of helping the less fortunate, showing mercy to others, and being fair and just in all our actions. These are principles that can guide us today as we continue to work towards creating a society where every citizen feels valued and respected.

May we draw inspiration from the Prophet’s example of perseverance and hope as we face our challenges. His message encourages us to seek the common good and to engage with each other in a spirit of understanding and cooperation. Let us use this occasion to recommit ourselves to the ideals of peace and unity that are essential for the prosperity of Guyana.

In this spirit, I encourage all Guyanese to stand in solidarity with our Muslim community during this time of reflection and celebration. May this moment strengthen the bonds that connect us as we continue our journey together toward a brighter, more harmonious future.

On this occasion of Youman Nabi, may you experience peace, blessings, and prosperity.