Rotary Club of Georgetown to upgrade Uncle Eddie’s Home

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana
President of the Roteract Club Peter Pompey and President Eddie’s Home, Yolanda James signing the MoU

In recognition of the 50th Anniversary of Uncle Eddie’s Home, the Rotary Club of Georgetown Central [RCGC] recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to upgrade and refurbish sections of the facility.

With funding support received from the LDS Charities, RCGC will undertake refurbishments to the second cottage and repairs to the roof in the southern wing; reconstruction of the visitors’ and residents’ restrooms; electrical rewiring of the south wing; upgrading of the plumbing system; refurnishing of the dining area; refurbishing of the main pantry; repainting of interior walls, among other upgrades.

Speaking at the simple ceremony, the President of the Rotary Club of Georgetown Central, Peter Pompey expressed appreciation for the collaboration as well as for the funding received.

“With the support of our partners and people from all walks of life, our Club was and is still able to make a significant impact by undertaking and executing projects under the Rotary International Focus Areas,” he added.

This particular project is being undertaken under the theme of “Environmental Enhancement for Improved Wellbeing” to create surroundings that promote physical, mental, and emotional health, and over time, allow for the improvement of the economic circumstances of the institution.

Signing on behalf of The Association of Uncle Eddie’s Home were its President, Yolanda James; Vice President, Denise Bentinck, and Administrator, Christine Hales.

In addition, Pompey was joined by Service Projects Director, Judy Semple-Joseph and President-Elect Jagdesh Haripershad signed on behalf of the Rotary Club of Georgetown Central.