GPHC successfully performs 1st laparoscopic liver resection

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana

See full statement from the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC):

On July 25, 2024, Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) made history with the successful completion of its first-ever laparoscopic liver resection. This groundbreaking procedure was performed by a remarkable surgical team led by Dr. Zhao Chang Yong, head of the 19th China Medical Team, alongside GPHC’s own Dr. Adhikar Ramjoo and Dr. Andrea Kissoon.

The surgery was performed on a 49-year-old female patient diagnosed with colorectal cancer liver metastasis. Liver metastases are a serious complication for 15%-25% of colorectal cancer patients, and without treatment, fewer than 5% survive beyond five years. Surgical resection offers the only potential for cure by removing the metastatic tumours, making it a critical intervention.

Despite the importance of liver resection in treating metastases, it remains underutilized in many parts of the world due to limited access to surgical expertise and resources.

Minimally invasive procedures like laparoscopic surgery offer faster recovery times and reduced postoperative complications, yet they are not widely practiced in many regions.

As part of the recently concluded China Medical Team Surgery Week in July, the patient, who first visited GPHC in May 2024, underwent diagnostic imaging that revealed a solitary metastatic liver tumour. After undergoing chemotherapy to shrink the tumour, she became a candidate for surgical intervention. The successful laparoscopic resection of two liver segments, using advanced instruments provided by the China Medical Team, resulted in the complete removal of the tumour.

This remarkable achievement not only saved a life but also provided invaluable training for GPHC’s surgical residents. The success of this procedure underscores the transformative impact of international collaboration in advancing healthcare and highlights the benefits of partnerships like the one between the China Medical Team and GPHC.

The patient is now recovering at home and will continue her treatment with a greatly improved prognosis and survival outlook.

At GPHC, we are committed to advancing surgical care through innovative procedures, ongoing training, and global partnerships that help us provide the best care for our patients.