Berbice mother reportedly kills bedridden daughter, then commits suicide

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana
Those dead are 73-year-old Lilowttie Baker called ‘Kamo’ and her daughter 52-year-old Devi Nandlall called ‘Linda’, both of whom resided at Warren Village, East Coast Berbice, Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne).

By: Andrew Carmichael 

A Berbice mother and daughter are now dead and police are treating the case as a murder/suicide.

Those dead are 73-year-old Lilowttie Baker called ‘Kamo’ and her daughter 52-year-old Devi Nandlall called ‘Linda’, both of whom resided at Warren Village, East Coast Berbice, Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne).

The incident in question occurred on August 21 – Baker died on the same day while Nandlall passed away two days later, on Friday.

Nandlall had been bedridden for the past 34 years.

According to her stepfather, Frankie Baker, two weeks prior to the incident, his daughter had not been eating or drinking anything – refusing all she was given.

On Wednesday, according to the now-dead woman’s husband, his daughter asked for some water to drink.

Baker said his wife took care of that task.

However, moments later, the wife reportedly made a shocking confession. Baker told this publication that his wife confessed to giving the daughter a poisonous substance to consume and that she too ingested the substance.

Neighbours were alerted and the mother and daughter were rushed to the New Amsterdam Hospital.

According to Baker, his wife had been receiving psychological help.