Berbice man wanted for brutally chopping, stabbing lover, nabbed in Suriname

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana
Sasenarine Sankar

Sasenarine Sankar, called ‘Barber’ or ‘Wire’, the 47-year-old man who has been wanted for attempted murder committed on Sandy Persaud, has been arrested at Julianastraat in the Nickerie district of Suriname.

Sankar has been accused of brutally chopping his lover at his home at #55 Village, Corentyne, Berbice in April 2023. After committing the act, Sankar had fled to Suriname, but has been arrested by RBTW ranks while working at a tyre shop in Nickerie.

It was reported that 36-year-old Persaud, called ‘Baby’, of # 69 Village Corentyne, Berbice, had been chopped several times about her body, and had had to be hospitalised following the attack. Persaud’s mother had also been lashed with a cutlass.

It was reported that Parbatie Dyal, an aunt of the victim, had heard screams at her sister’s home and realised that her niece was in danger. She immediately rushed over to the house, but by then the suspect had already left the scene. She, however, found her niece with chops to her shoulders, forearm, back, head, and feet; and she was also stabbed to the abdomen.

The suspect, a barber of #69 Village, and the victim Persaud had started to see each other when she had ended her marriage to her husband four years ago. The barber is reportedly married, and his wife, who now resides overseas, had been making arrangements to have him join her, until she got to learn of his relationship with Persaud.

Persaud’s 16-year-old daughter had told the media that her mother had been constantly abused by her stepfather, who had even banned her from contacting her children. She said that on many occasions her mother had marks of violence on her body. In February last, the suspect had forced Persaud to move out of the district, but she subsequently returned.

The barber had reportedly made several threats to Persaud’s life, some of which were sent via voice notes. In some of the voice notes, the suspect has been heard making threats, while in others he has been heard appealing to Persaud to return home, while at the same time promising not to harm her.

One of the voice notes had seemed to suggest that the barber had had no intention of killing Persaud, but just harming her. “If you don’t come back home, I will cripple you…You see how people ah kill dem wife? If you want murderation, stay way you dea; and if you don’t want murderation, come to the house”, that voice note had said.

Meanwhile, once handed over to the Guyanese lawmen, the barber is expected to be slapped with an attempted murder charge among other charges.