Update: Overheated drop cord triggered Albouystown fire

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana

See full statement from the Guyana Fire Service: 

The Guyana Fire Service commends our ranks for their prompt and effective action in responding to a fire call at Lot 22, Callender Street, Albouystown, early this morning.

The alarm was raised at 06:58 hrs, and the fire service was on the scene by 07:02 hrs. The first jet of water was applied at 07:03 hrs, with the entire operation brought under control by 07:11 hrs.

The swift response and efficient handling of the situation are a testament to the dedication and professionalism of the fire service personnel involved.

The responding units included Water Tenders #118 and #95, and Water Carrier #18. A total of 16 firefighters were involved, led by Section Leader Sparman, along with Leading Firemen Marshall and Abrams.

The fire broke out in a two-story wooden and concrete building owned by 63-year-old Angela Gariba. The top floor was occupied by Ms. Gariba and 37-year-old Trevon David, while the ground floor housed two apartments, one occupied by 69-year-old Clifton Mathara, and the other by an unknown tenant. Thankfully, no one was rendered homeless as a result of the fire.

The cause of the fire has been identified as an overheated drop cord charging a cellphone. This caused a breakdown of insulation, leading to arcing and sparking that ignited nearby combustible materials.

One jet from the WT #95 tank supply, one jet from the WT #118 tank supply, and one jet from the WC #18 tank supply, deploying a total of 12,870 liters of water, were used to extinguish the blaze.

Despite the building suffering severe damage and the contents being destroyed, the swift action of the firefighters prevented further spread and potential additional loss. For that, we commend their efforts.