Teens charged with murder of excavator operator

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana
Murdered, John Williams and murder suspect, Daniel Badley

Nineteen-year-old Daniel Badley of Second Street, Mocha Arcadia EBD and Quamina Street, Beterverwagting ECD along with two juveniles were on Friday charged with the brutal stabbing to death of excavator operator, John Williams which occurred at the Route 44 minibus park.

The trio appeared before Principal Magistrate Annette Singh at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court where the charge was read to them which stated that on May 11, 2024at Commence Street, Georgetown, they murdered John Williams.

They were not required to plead to the indictment. Badley was remanded to prison while the two juveniles were remanded to the Juvenile Holding Centre. They will make their next court appearance on June 7, 2024.

It was reported that on the day in question, 32-year-old Williams of Third Street Marthasville, Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara (ECD) was walking along Water Street with a green haversack on his back and as he turned onto Commerce Street, he was confronted by the three suspects from behind.

Police stated that a 15-year-old held onto Williams’ haversack but he put up a resistance during which another suspect stabbed him several times to his chest with a knife.

The injured man immediately collapsed onto the roadway and remained motionless. The suspects then fled the scene.

The Emergency Medical Technicians were summoned, and Williams was pronounced dead. However, a quick response by the police led to the arrest of a 14-year-old and a 15-year-old. During interrogation, the teens claimed that the intent was to rob the victim.

Badley was later arrested and charged.