Robin St. Marthe – A true epitome of a mother’s unwavering love

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana
Robin St Marthe (R) with her family

Every year, on Mother’s Day, Robin St. Marthe’s family celebrate the matriarch of their clan. To her children and grandchildren, she is more than just a mother; she is a pillar of strength, a source of wisdom, and an embodiment of love.

A smiling Robin St. Marthe

Robin St. Marthe has always put her family first. Coming from the kind of loving home in which she grew up to now having her own family and working tirelessly to provide for them, she has been making every sacrifice necessary to ensure their needs are met and their happiness is secure. Her daughters shared briefly their fond memories of how Robin would stay up late at night, helping them with school projects despite having worked long hours at her job.

“She never complained,” they shared. “Her only concern was making sure we were taken care of.”

As a grandmother, Robin continues to shower her love and affection onto her two grandchildren, Nakiyiah and Emmanuel. Nakyiah, 11, shared how Robin is always there for him, “whether it’s taking us out for treats, or offering words of encouragement during tough times”. “My grandma is my biggest cheerleader,” he said with a smile.

Robin capitalizes on every opportunity she gets to spend time with her grandchildren and reveals that it’s a joy for her to see them living with the kind of love she instilled in her own daughters.

Robin with her siblings

Becoming a mother certainly comes with great responsibilities. Robin herself admires her mother for having taken care of her and her four siblings while her dad, who was self-employed as a mason, worked hard to play his part in the family. Because of this kind of upbringing, she knew she had to make similar sacrifices and focus on bringing up her children as well.

“The Bible says, train up a child, and when they reach the age of accountability, they will not depart from it. So, as a Christian mother, I tried to, with prayers, keep them in church; of course, with my parents around,” Robin explained.

But perhaps what stands out the most about Robin is her unwavering love and support during difficult times. When her youngest daughter went through her first pregnancy and delivered a premature baby which died the same day, it was Robin who held her hands and reassured her that everything would be okay.

“I had to be strong for her even whilst standing there in tears, but I knew at the time I had to encourage her because she felt like giving up,” Robin recounted with tears in her eyes.

So, this Mother’s Day, Robin and her family will come together – as they do every year – to honour and celebrate the woman who has been their rock through thick and thin. Robin continues to be a good influence on her children and a good example as she leads them to live for Jesus. In bringing them up, she ensured they knew of the sacrifices she made and still makes to this day. Those sacrifices were all for them.

“They did not call me. I, along with their dad, brought them into this world, and it is our responsibility to make sure they live a peaceful and comfortable life,” Robin shared. “This is why they must be given a firm foundation, allowing them to grow strong and have provisions made for them. So, in return, they do so for their children.”

Robin performing at church

One thing’s for sure, Robin believes that each child knows their calling. She believes parents should allow their children to live their own lives, even while still teaching them to know and understand who they are and what their responsibilities are.

“I have put in the work with my children, and that’s what I would advise any mother to do”, she said. “Teaching them to live in love, respect each other, look out for one another, and help when you can”.

As the sun sets on this Mother’s Day, Robin will look around at her loved ones with a feeling of gratitude for the gift of motherhood and the bond that holds their family together. And in that moment, as laughter fills the air and love surrounds her, she will know that her legacy of love lives on in the hearts of her children and grandchildren.

Mothers, you are role models for your children. They look to you as their biggest influencer, not anyone else, and certainly not some man or woman. Be prepared to sacrifice your time, and do it without hesitation. Remember, once they have that foundation, they surely can grow strong in your belief. Give them quality time, share at least one meal a day with them, and you will be surprised at what a big difference that can make.