Family cremates wrong body in funeral parlour mix-up

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana

A mix up over a corpse cremated on the Corentyne, Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) on Sunday was settled on Monday after the families agreed to collect the ash of the body of their relative.

The mix up took place at a funeral home of the Corentyne between the body of a 62-year-old man and the body of a 75-year-old man.

Sixty-two-year-old Lalgobin Persaud Ramdass was discovered dead in his home at Number 62 Village Corentyne.

He lived alone after returning to Guyana following the death of his wife.

On Sunday, family members went to the funeral home to uplift his body and were given the body of 75-year-old Rohan Kuma. He was cremated at the Number 66 Crematorium.

However, on Monday when relatives went to the funeral home to collect the body of Kuma, they were given the body of Ramdass and it was then the mix-up was uncovered.

Kuma’s family members were furious but the two families were able to come to a compromise and have the matter settled.

One family member told this publication that the settlement included not providing information to the media.

The settlement involved the payment of US$3000.