Talk show host gets $200,000 bail after slapped with cybercrime offence

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana
Kidackie Amsterdam

Kidackie Amsterdam, 46, of Buxton, East Coast Demerara (ECD), appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court earlier today, where he was charged with a cybercrime offence.

Specifically, he was charged with using a computer system to encourage or incite persons to commit a criminal offence against the President of Guyana, in contravention of Section 18(1)(c) of the Cyber Crime Act, No 16 of 2018, Contrary to Section 18(2) of the said Cyber Crime Act, No 16 of 2018.

Amsterdam, a talk show host who was arrested by ranks of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) on Tuesday, appeared before Her Worship Magistrate Faith McGusty.

The charge was read to him and he pleaded not guilty. He was then placed on $200,000 bail and the matter was adjourned to June 10, 2024.

Additional charges are slated to be filed against him.