See full statement from the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG):
The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) wishes to express its serious concern regarding Venezuela’s recent military presence in Guyana’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). This action raises significant apprehension about the respect for Guyana’s sovereign rights over its territorial waters and natural resources.
We extend our support to the government and people of Guyana in addressing this military incursion, which challenges Guyana’s established rights within its EEZ and its engagement in the development of its offshore oil and gas resources. The Federation is deeply troubled by Venezuela’s actions and their implications for international law, particularly the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), which affirms Guyana’s rights over its waters and seabed.
We would like to remind the international community of Guyana’s legitimate entitlement to explore, exploit, and manage its resources within its EEZ. It is our hope that Venezuela will acknowledge and respect Guyana’s sovereignty, refraining from actions that may exacerbate tensions and impede the peaceful resolution of this enduring dispute.
Furthermore, we encourage all trade unions, civil society organisations, and concerned individuals to unite in support of the rights of the Guyanese populace concerning their natural resources. FITUG is committed to advocating for a peaceful resolution of this matter through the International Court of Justice (ICJ), where Guyana’s position has been recognised, ensuring that any outcome is grounded in respect for international law.
We appeal to Venezuela to honour the principles set forth by international law and to refrain from any further acts that may be perceived as aggressive. The people of Guyana are resilient and committed to their sovereignty and development, and FITUG remains dedicated to supporting these principles.
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