‘You can’t just buy trucks and leave it at any road corner’ – Edghill

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana
Public Works Minister Juan Edghill

Warning that the practice of parking vehicles overnight on roadways must come to an end, Minister of Public Works Juan Edghill has revealed that the government is in the process of developing a plot of land for owners to rent a space to park their trucks and articulated vehicles.

He made the remarks last week whilst addressing the issue of truckers parking on the government reserve in the Ruimveldt area, affecting the business operations of Torginal Paints Inc.

“Trucks are actually now parking on Heroes Highway as overnight for sleeping because they don’t have anywhere else to park,” Minister Edghill bemoaned.

“We can’t continue to allow the lawlessness to happen,” he went on to contend.

According to the minister, “when somebody invest in their trucks, they must know ahead of time where they will park it…you just can’t buy trucks and leave it at any road corner because you don’t have anywhere to park it.”

In this regard, the Public Works Minister revealed that the government is working on a solution.

“The government has initiated a plan…where we are gonna develop a piece of land to put all the articulated vehicles, commercial land and they (owners) could rent it,” he explained.