“No one will try to tarnish my reputation” – Min. Rodrigues consults lawyers on Melly Mel’s false accusations against her

See full statement from Minister within the Ministry of Housing and Water Susan Rodrigues:
It has come to my attention that late last night, a known miscreant, alleged that I was “given” a property in the United States of America purportedly in exchange for land in Guyana.
First of all, the allegation is a complete fabrication, and the person who made the allegation was fully aware that it is untrue when she made the post, and so she quickly removed the post after less than an hour.
Around 6pm last evening, I received a forwarded message from someone, and the message contained the allegation that was later posted. The person who sent me the message, said a person from the media said to ask me “what I want to do?” I responded with language I prefer not to include in this post, but left no uncertainty that I will not be blackmailed.
In law, there is a principle that “those who assert must prove”. This pathological liar, has spent the past few years of her useless life, defaming and abusing people in public office and their loved ones. While some have succumbed to her bullying, others have instituted legal proceedings, and some like myself, have chosen to completely ignore this irrelevant creature since she holds no value in my opinion.
All of her attempts to threaten me, and to bait the public to send her information on me has failed repeatedly. Is it so difficult for her to believe there are actually people who work honestly? Or is this just about extortion? The public should make their own decision. What I will say, however, is that no one will try to tarnish my reputation or disparage the work I have dedicated my life to these past few years without a defense from me. The thousands of people I have helped, directly and indirectly, know my passion for, and commitment to this job. My principles are unshakable.
I do not expect any change in the conduct of this individual, as it is her mission to destroy lives and spread lies to see where it sticks. In fact, I expect the attacks and accusations to increase after this statement. Do not expect a response from me for every lowlife post on her page, there are far more important matters that require my attention. My work to improve the lives of every Guyanese, living in Guyana, continues unabated.
I am consulting with my attorneys on the way forward.
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