Letter: Paper balloting remains the safest and only transparent means of voting

Dear Editor,
The PNC and its acolytes are trying desperately to make a case for themselves, knowing fully well what will take place in the upcoming election.
It is a two-pronged attack:
(a) To foment a situation of confusion, thus creating uncertainty in the electoral system so that the next general election can be considered null and void. They have done it before in the 1997 Elections, and if given the opportunity will do it again.
And plan (b): Create a situation for a possible recount in the event that the results are close.
In either scenario, their sinister plot to derail a smooth election, come November, will be defeated.
In the first case presented, that is, voting only by ID Card, [it] was a PNC proposal, put forward by that party. They claim that it would eliminate multiple voting and fraud from the system.
In the interest of peace, because the PNC Thugs were already in the streets, the PPP/C acceded to their demands and rushed that motion through parliament.
The 1997 Election saw them losing by a landslide, which brought about further irritation; they became so infuriated by the results that they hit the streets with a vengeance, committing every horrible act there is.
When this did not work, the next step for them, was to take the matter to court to declare a system they’ve created null and void.
The point I am making, is that they want a system that would suddenly propel them into office, by any means necessary, one will say.
That is not going to happen.
Any party that holds office in this country, must do so under the authority of the people who elect them; one man one vote, there would be no win by a technicality.
A party’s claim to victory must go through a rigid legitimate process, that is one that is free of all encumbrances. There is no other way.
The present animated call by the PNC-led Opposition for a biometric system, is a ploy to disenfranchise voters, and one that would create confusion which the PNC would like to revel in, just the same manner like the 1997 Election.
We are fully aware of their clandestine move and would not allow it to take root here. We want a smooth and unadulterated process next election, and that is what we are aiming for.
Paper balloting remains the safest and most transparent form of voting in any electoral system.
We are not about changing into any other form at the present moment.
Neil Adams
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