Bushlot fire: Unprofessional behaviour of firemen being probed

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana

See full Message from the Chief Fire Officer Gregory Wickham

July 3, 2024

The Chief Fire Officer condemns any act of delinquency or unprofessional behavior by ranks of the Guyana Fire Service.

It has been brought to the Service’s attention that ranks acted in an unprofessional manner during a major firefighting operation at Bushlot, West Coast Berbice on Monday.

An investigation into the matter has been launched, and once completed, defaulters will be sanctioned accordingly.

The Guyana Fire Service is committed to protecting property and lives from fire and offering a service with confidence to all who require it. We will continue to ensure our ranks reflect this commitment and uphold the highest standards of professionalism.

Chief Fire OfficerGregory Wickham