See full statement from the Guyana Police Force:
Police are investigating an alleged Break-and-Enter-and-Larceny committed at Andrews Supermarket located at Lot 44-45 Robb and Light Streets, Georgetown, which occurred between 22:00 hrs last night and 07:45 hrs this morning by persons unknown. The suspects reportedly escaped with an undisclosed amount of cash.
Investigations revealed that Andrews Supermarket is a four-storey concrete structure facing south, in an unfenced compound. The first floor consists of a supermarket secured by a double glass door, zinc shutters and padlocks. The second flat is the Money Gram office and Manager’s office, while the third and fourth storeys are used for storage and are secured by internal metal doors with locks. There is also a storage bond to the eastern side on the lower flat of the building with a double metal door facing south which is secured by means of padlocks and internal bolts. No security guards are working at the supermarket.
According to the 34-year-old store manager, at about 22:00hrs last night he was the last person to leave the building and he secured it by the means provided and went home.
At about 07:45hrs this morning, he returned to the supermarket and discovered the door to the storage bond located on the lower flat of the building was opened. Upon checking, he discovered that the roof leading to the storage bond was cut open. He then made checks in the building and observed the cash registers in the supermarket on the ground floor were damaged, and an undisclosed sum of cash removed.
He made further checks on the second floor and observed the Money Gram office was ransacked and two metal safes containing an undisclosed amount of cash which were secured in the said office were missing.
Several persons in the area were questioned as investigations continue.
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