“We have monkey pox vaccines available”

The content originally appeared on: INews Guyana
Health Minister Dr Frank Anthony

With monkeypox being declared a public health emergency some two weeks ago, Guyana’s health authorities have activated screening at all ports of entry and implemented safety guidelines at healthcare facilities across the country.

Health Minister Dr Frank Anthony revealed to this publication on Saturday, that a sufficient amount of monkeypox vaccines is available for persons at risk.

“We have a national committee that is in place and we have written guidelines about if there is a case, what to do. We have the vaccine available so if people are at risk, those persons who are at risk, we have the vaccine and we will be able to administer it to those persons. We’ve also given instructions to the port authorities on what to look for and the Ministry of Health, we have our port health offices that are at the ports at airports and seaports and so they have been instructed about what to look for,” Minister Anthony disclosed.

According to Dr. Anthony, health officials at port offices have the capability to respond in the event that a person enters the country with monkeypox symptoms.

Importantly, he said that doctors are still undergoing refresher training to diagnose and treat the virus and in order to properly treat patients.

“And this weekend we have a training for a refresher course for clinicians. So, I think we are well prepared. As you know, in 2022, when the last outbreak happened, we had two cases here that we had discovered and we were able to successfully manage those cases,” he added.

On August 7, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that due to the growing number of monkeypox cases in Africa, the virus is now a global health emergency, warning that it might ultimately spill across international borders.

The announcement by WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus came after a meeting of the United Nations health agency’s emergency committee.

According to the WHO, there have been more than 14,000 cases and 524 deaths in Africa this year, which already exceeds last year’s figures.

Guyana’s health authorities are imploring citizens to take the necessary precautions to protect themselves from contracting the virus, especially since a severe case has already been detected in neighbouring Venezuela.